收到一些雜碎消息,例如歌迷關心的大碟進度等等,這裡匯報一下 :
1. 新大碟原本只錄好4首歌,最近因為要修改其中一首的編曲,所以只錄好3.5首,製作進度向後退,出碟日期仍是一個未知之數。
2. 恭碩良寫的新歌,仍在編曲中,未寫歌詞。
3. 憶蓮會寫其中一些歌詞。
4. 憶蓮有想過灌錄蘇打綠寫的《寂寞擁擠》,但不配合新碟路線,因此作罷,但不排除將來會錄。
5. 並不是傳聞中簽東亞或旗下的label 「Revolution」,簽哪間公司未有計劃。
6. 11月20日麥當勞音樂會唱2首歌,其中一首配合童心主題是《紙飛機》,另一首「有可能」是新歌,「有可能」的意思是「仲諗緊」。
7. 原本計劃中10-12月是專注錄碟期,但因突然要做一些內地表演,計劃又打亂了,例如將擔任《金話筒獎》頒獎典禮表演嘉賓,《金話筒獎》是頒給廣播及電視主持的獎項。
8. 憶蓮將會是《Jet》月刊12月號100期封面人物。
咁新碟咪又要DELAY? 等左好耐喇~ :(
OMG! Can't wait.....
等不是問題, 但無目的的等, 就好大問題, 光陰一去不復來, 人生有多少個十年, 好歌是不一定用長時間做出來, 只要有用心, 我們會知道的. 已經有四年了.
The title of Sandy's new album should be 給等最久的人. If 柿子 is any indication, I am positive the album will be worth the wait.
Speaking of 柿子, it really showcases Sandy's outstanding vocal skills. The hot topic of environmental problem that the song covers is also a great bonus. As a diva so well-loved by people in different parts of the world, Sandy is undoubtedly aware that the messages her songs deliver have a far-reaching effect. I hope (and so does Sandy, I am sure) the lyrics of 柿子 make people think about the environmental issue, and more importantly, take steps (however small) to minimize their negative impact on the Earth as a result. From this standpoint, the song alone will certainly add some depth to Sandy'a new album. My only concern is that 柿子 may not be radio-friendly...but what a stunning voice!!!
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